山西兴瑞女篮俱乐部近日流露 chanel香奈兒中文官方網站,聘任西班牙国度队主教练?门德罗为兴瑞女篮主教练,原主教练姜天宝担负俱乐部参谋、青年队主教练。这个惊人的新闻爆出后,球迷惊呼:山西兴瑞难道要打造成足坛的恒大吗 香奈兒中文官方網站?(光)

  Shanxi Xingrui Women Basketball Club has recruited Lucas Mondelo 香奈兒包包, the head coach of the Spanish nation- al team, as the club" s head coach, with former head coach, Jiang Tianbao, serving as consultant and coach of the youth team. Overjoyed at this news chanel 香奈兒中文官方網站包包, the fans ex- claimed chanel2012時尚女王新款目錄,“Can it be that Shanxi Xingrui will be made a Hengda Real Estate Group of the soccer world?” (Wang Jianguang)

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